Maj. James F. Elliott (RET) - AA7OH passed away last night January 28, 2009 at the American Lake Veteran's Hospital in Lakewood, Washington.
I first met Jim in the fall of 1992 where he signed my Certificate of Completion when I passed my no-code technician license. I never knew at the time, I would be lucky to get to know him as I did. He was a good friend and I will truly miss him. Its always hard to lose a good friend, but I really do consider myself blessed to have our paths in life cross.
I will each summer, buy that 'special' German beer he loved so much .... BBQ a good steak, play a little radio and remember my good friend Jim.
Please feel free to post your comments. I am sure I missed many things which should be documented here on our 47repeater site.
kim - ac7yy