Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Trip to the hill 10-22-2008

Jim (AB7SI) and I made a trip to the peak today. We installed the backup repeater that was taken down at the last trip. We also installed wiring harnesses on the main repeater and the controller. Rick (K7CAH) made up those harnesses. Thanks Rick. These harnesses will make it a lot easier to install the backup system if we ever need it. All we will need to do is to just do a plug and play and it will be set. I also took a couple of pictures of the available space for two cabinets if and when we will need it.

Bill NW7BT

Monday, October 20, 2008

Official "47" Repeater Control Operators

Jim - AB7SI and Bill - NW7BT have taken on the responsibilities of Repeater Control Operators. So, if you have any questions about the operations of the repeater or if you need assistance in any way, give Jim or Bill a call.

Another great source of information is the Capitol Peak Website.

Kim - AC7YY

Monday, September 22, 2008

Trip to the Peak - September 22, 2008


Just a quick note to let you all know that Jim-AB7SI and I made a quick trip to the peak to make the audio adjustments. It took all of maybe 15 minutes but well worth the trip.

The mixer is marked now so if they get moved they can be placed back to the correct settings. Jim also hooked the antenna control back up and that now works as it should. It was a successful trip for us and for the repeater.

Also on the way down Rick was programming the voice slots so today was a great day.
73 de Bill NW7BT

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tone of 100 Hz has now been Turned on.

Well the day started off a bit rough. Rick - K7CAH, Bill - NW7BT, Jim - AB7SI, David - W7AUW and Kim - AC7YY made a trip up to the repeater site today. First, no one had the combination to the lock box, so Jim removed the screen and we able to get into the building. Then Rick fired up his service monitor ..... well it worked last time he used it. That got Rick a bit flustered and when Jim later fired off his camera (With Full Flash) .... Well by that time Rick was a nervious wreck.

But Rick is a veteran and a trooper and managed to not only fix the PL tone, but replaced the repeater with the backup repeater. When we left, the 47 repeater was and is now operating at 100 percent.

Remember to set your radio with a PL tone of 100.00 and you will be very happy with the current status of the repeater.

Let us know how it works for you.

kim - ac7yy

Friday, September 12, 2008

IRLP Node Now Operating 24/7

The IRLP system is now on 24/7. It will still announce and make sure that it is on at 8:00 am but it will not turn off automatically as before.

Rick - K7CAH

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hello to all I am taking this opportunity to welcome you all back to that time of year where the Sunday night information net will once again be in progress beginning on Sunday September 7, 2008 at 8:00 p.m.

Please mark your calendars for that night and come join us. You will hear all about the happenings of the repeater over the summer months and what is planned for the upcoing months. You will also get the opportunity to tell all about your happenings in the ham world. Hope to hear from you all that night.

One thing I would like to request is that we will need some volunteers to host the net. I have two weeks covered but need three more. If you would like to give this a try please send me an email ( and I will send you an email back confirming this.

I will be contacting last years NCS's for their assistance again this season. There is never too many. If we get enough volunteers you may only have to host one weekly net every other month. Also go to the web site and look it over. Send me an email telling me what you think of it.

Again hope to hear from you especially on September 7, 2008 at 8:00 p.m.

73 de Bill NW7BT webmaster
Sunday night info net Manager

Friday, August 1, 2008

"TWO" Opportunities to Help and have some Fun

The Capitol Peak Repeater Information Net will be re-starting on September 7th at 8PM every Sunday night and continue until the end of May. We need Net Control Operators and Backup Net Control Operators. It's easy to do and fun. Contact Richard - ad7kc@47repeater for further information.

The Capitol Peak Repeater Group will be starting a "NEW" tech net. It will begin on September 3rd at 8PM and run every Wednesday Night. This net will be run on the entire intertie system and be immediately followed by an Intertie Information Net. The Tech Net will run for approximately 1/2 hour. Ken - K7VOX has volunteered to be the primary Net Control Operator. However, we need backup net control operators. For further information contact Kim -

kim - ac7yy

Friday, July 18, 2008

2008 Capitol Peak Picnic

The Annual Capitol Peak Picnic will be held on July 26th at Priest Point Park from 9AM to 3PM. Shelter Number 3.

Everyone is Welcome. Members, Non-Members and all the family.

Hope you can make it. Good food, Prizes and Lots of fun.

Kim - AC7YY

Friday, June 13, 2008

Check out the new hats on these guys!

Hi All
Trip to the Peak with NW7BT and W7AUW on the 12th.
Fixed the noise and key-up problem with the South Link.
Fixed the key-up problem with the West Link (IRLP)
Fixed and re-programed the IRLP link. No more hang time. It drops out immediately now.
The PL board is functioning as it should. Good audio in; recognized the tone OK; andkeys the input line as it should. However, the controller is not responding to this input.Which means -- that there is either a problem with the programing or a transistor (IC) is blown in the controller. Will start with the program and go from there.
Everything else looks good.