Well the day started off a bit rough. Rick - K7CAH, Bill - NW7BT, Jim - AB7SI, David - W7AUW and Kim - AC7YY made a trip up to the repeater site today. First, no one had the combination to the lock box, so Jim removed the screen and we able to get into the building. Then Rick fired up his service monitor ..... well it worked last time he used it. That got Rick a bit flustered and when Jim later fired off his camera (With Full Flash) .... Well by that time Rick was a nervious wreck.
But Rick is a veteran and a trooper and managed to not only fix the PL tone, but replaced the repeater with the backup repeater. When we left, the 47 repeater was and is now operating at 100 percent.
Remember to set your radio with a PL tone of 100.00 and you will be very happy with the current status of the repeater.
Let us know how it works for you.
kim - ac7yy
Congratulations to Rick for Fixing this issue. Facts About Hinduism Religion